Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I am an Instagram fan

Obviously, I'm bad terrible about posting on this blog...it's been a whole year since my last post!!  What have I been making and photographing? Actually, quite a bit, and the place I've been documenting this has been on my Instagram account. I like being able to quickly post a picture & write just a few lines. Still, it is handy to have this spot to post & document on as well. We'll see if I'm any better about it now that I've been back here to visit. But, if you want to see what I've made, and bird photos, and tasty, baked goodness, my Instagram account is the up-to-date spot to go. Here's hoping they listen to those of us who use it and keep it chronological instead of showing us what they think we might want to see.

I'll still post here, but I know me - I'll post there more.

In peace and piecing,
